Monday, January 21, 2013

An absence called Rahul Gandhi

As non-events go, it was a significant one. After months of hearing about Rahul Gandhi’s ascension to ‘an important role within the party’, the promised elevation to the position of Vice President took place. In line with  RahulGandhi’s overall reluctance to assume responsibility, coyness was exercised about announcing that he would be the Congress’ Prime Ministerial candidate. For a party that is faced with a  remarkable  lack  of  options,  with  theManmohan Singh experiment having spluttered out of gas, and rendering the division of power, such as it was, between the party and the government discredited beyond repair, the reluctance  to  take  the  only  meaningful  optionavailable and get on with it would have been difficult to understand, had it not become an established pattern by now.

The most significant statement that can be made about Rahul Gandhi is that his presence is a matter of stochastic speculation rather than grounded fact. He is sometimes present, occasionally in great quantity and  with  stubbornfrequency but mostly not at all. He hovers wraith-like above issues the country considers important and pursues pet projects, some understandable like that of building the  party  apparatus  ground  upwards  in  UP,  and  othersmysterious like his strange obsession with the Youth Congress, as doomed an enterprise as any. That he has failed to produce results in a consistent way in both could be overlooked given the enormity of the venture, but that  hehas not attempted more fundamental and structural changes within the party and the government is perplexing, for someone anointed a leader for so long.

His speech yesterday at the Chnitan Shivir points to the fact that he has been a good student and has identified some key structural issues facing politics today, but the fact that it comes at the end of the  second  term  of  agovernment run by his party borders on the inexcusable. Real change might well be gradual as he argued, but we have seen virtually no attempt to bring about the kind of transformation he hints at. The refusal to look beyond someimmediate self-determined tasks is located in a larger desire to limit one’s own boundaries and live in a state of denial about his own destiny. Regardless of whether Rahul Gandhi wants to lead the Congress  party  or  not,  andwhat his own personal ambivalence about power might be, the Congress party has put itself in a place where it cannot survive without him. It can make do with some  wispy  sign  of  his  presence,  but  it  needs  the  certifyinglegitimacy of someone from the dynasty to contrive a sense of coherence and purpose about itself. As a party that is located in the swampy ambivalence of weak centrism, and goes where political expediency takes it, the  Congresshas increasingly run out of things that give it a sense of unifying purpose. The constituencies that it could count on, including the minorities and the backward castes do not find it stands up for them strongly enough,  and  ithas disdainfully ignored newer constituencies like the urban middle class. Various regional forces have taken big chunks out of its traditional voting bases, and to make things worse, its allies today are among the weaker forcesin their own regions

The only thing that gives it some structural strength is that it has put the leadership question beyond the pale of ambition and debate. By ensuring that no individual other than a family member can aspire  to  real  power,  theCongress does not have to worry about the one question that bedevils the BJP as to who should lead it. Of course, as a result, the Congress has deliberately undercut its ability to build  strong  regional  leaders,  since  theirambition is difficult to contain and manage. In any other context, the abjectness of the wheedling indulged in by senior, accomplished politicians in getting a dynastic stamp to the leadership of the party would be pitiable,  ifit did not contain a kernel of pragmatic necessity. The Congress without a presumptive and automatic leadership, would fall apart having nothing else to sustain it. Rahul Gandhi is being led to become a leader; if the party  hadits way, his writ would run in everything except in the choice of the party leader. However, what is a necessary solution for the Congress may not translate into an advantage at the polls. Rahul Gandhi has been saved up  for  solong, that by the time he has been pressed into service, he is no longer the shiny new weapon he once was presumed to be. Even then, no one really knew what he stood for, but he looked plausible as the new face of an  old  idea.Today, he stands bereft of any enigmatic charisma or any substantial bankable achievement; an idea that has been spoken so long that it has become stale through persistent disuse.

The trouble with Rahul Gandhi and in a larger sense with the Congress is that it has come to think of the question of leading the country as an internal one. Its decisions are based on the convenience  of  individuals,  and  theneed to preserve their utility. Mr Gandhi is fighting against his legacy with earnestness, as if that were the central question facing the country today. He cannot both exercise the presumptive power vested in him, and act as ifhe is a detached observer occasionally giving abstract input for the good of the party. For a long time now, Rahul Gandhi has wanted to have his cake and not eat it too and that is a luxury the party can no longer afford. He mayhold a losing hand, but he himself is a card that the party has no choice but to play.

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